September 21, 2023

Scarlett Kiowski
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

Today’s verse reiterates what we read yesterday in Romans 16:20. We are reminded once again that we are going to have trouble, but Jesus is with us, and He has overcome the world. I’m thinking these are pretty valuable truths if both John and Paul, and others not mentioned, felt the need to teach them on repeat.

Now that we have established these truths, we can dig deeper into what I like to call the icing on the cake, and that is where John says, “I have told you these things. So that in me you may have peace.” Peace is my favorite! Because it’s an umbrella of protection over my heart and mind. Peace protects me from the roller coaster of life. Just this week, I was dealing with a reoccurring frustrating situation, and as I started to feel myself spiral into discouragement and defeat, Jesus whispered to me, “I told you that you would have trouble in this world.” That gentle reminder allowed me to see my situation through His eyes and to not be controlled by my circumstance. In that moment, my joy and peace were restored back to the Lord.

God, thank You for Your truth and how it restores our soul, amen.