The Bible can be summed up in three words: God with us. God created the world and created all of us in His image. He created us for relationship with God and one another. In the beginning, God was with us. Genesis 1-2 | Psalm 139:13-16
Instead of trusting God, however, we chose to define good and evil for ourselves. We sidelined God and decided to go our own way. Sin, thus, entered the picture and broke our relationship with our Creator and with one another. Sin not only destroys our relationships but also ultimately separates us from the love of God and leads us to death. But the story does not end there. Genesis 3:1-8 | Romans 5:12
Jesus came to live a perfect life so that he could be the perfect sacrifice and pay the price for the sins of the world. Jesus came to save us from death and lead us into abundant and everlasting life. Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead restored our relationship with God. After Jesus ascended into Heaven, God’s Holy Spirit descended into the hearts of all who believe in Jesus so that we may go out and share this good news. Now, we are never alone! God lives in us through the Holy Spirit transforming us into becoming more like Jesus until Jesus comes again to make all things new once and for all. Romans 6:23 | John 3:16-17
Cypress Creek Church is a group of imperfect people who worship the perfect savior, Jesus! If you are looking to live life in Community: JUMP IN! Say yes to Jesus, surrender your life to the one who gave up His life for you. You were created by Jesus, to worship Jesus and walk this life with others that point you back to Jesus. Let’s make the name of Jesus famous by the way we LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE, and MAKE DISCIPLES! Ephesians 2:8-10 | Matthew 28:19-20