There was a time just a few years ago where the doubts of who Jesus was overcame me. I didn’t even know if all of this “Jesus stuff” was real. I questioned how any of this could have possibly made any true since, if I’m being honest. As I reflected, I realized that most of the blame was on me. I faulted God for not revealing himself to me, but the reality was I had been doing nothing to seek Him for an extended period of time. I was married to a youth minister and involved in church very regularly with youth and other programs, but the depth of my relationship stopped at a less than acceptable level. I expected a thriving relationship, yet I was offering none of my personal time to invest in it. It was incredible to see how God worked through this dark time in my life. I expected Him to be latent, quite honestly, during my quest for Him. To no surprise, He wasn’t latent at all. It made me realize yet again: 1) How He will take anything bad and turn it for good and 2) If He hadn’t personally chosen me before He made the world, He could have just left me where I was. He could have found others who had no questions (by the way, I think we ALL have questions). He finds no fault in darkness, rather an opportunity to bring forth His light. How would your circumstance change now if you viewed it as a true opportunity to bring forth light?
“Even before God made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.”
Ephesians 1:4