July 10, 2020

Emily Keese
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
Genesis 50:20

From the beginning, Satan’s goal was to destroy mankind and unfortunately he will continue to destroy the lives of many. We are not excluded from his attempts and he will use any avenue to try and deter you. In order to combat his ways, we must recognize that the things God never intended to be on this earth are here, and they are real. There are things that will happen in our life that are far more hurtful than others. So, what do we honestly do when those things come? First, recognize that Satan is at work. When something that is not of Jesus comes forth, recognize that God is not punishing you. Second, isolate that situation/feeling and pray immediately, and ask God how He wants to use that to build His kingdom. I get it…not easy to do in the moment sometimes, but as you work on this discipline it will become easier and more natural. Reevaluate now what things you felt have harmed you, and how God has used it for good. If it is still hurting you, pray now that God would show you how to use it for kingdom advancement.