(Part 2)
In 2015 following the historic Memorial Day Flood, Cypress Creek Church adopted a motto to move us into action. See a need, meet a need, pray for all. The motto was simple but gave actionable steps to serve the community around us. Within a matter of hours, cleaning supplies, donations, food, and willing hands set out to help the community. Homes were mucked, debris started to be removed, individuals were comforted, stomachs were fed. Whether in a time of tragedy or everyday life, Jesus commands us to love the people around us like ourselves. Loving the people around us can mean giving up our schedules, slowing down enough to notice the people you interact with daily, being a listening ear, sitting besides a friend going through a hard time, meeting a physical need an actual neighbor has, and/or praying for all. Because of God’s great love for us, we can give great love to the people around us. God’s love never runs out or leaves us dry.