October 11, 2021

Taylor Abaroa
“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments.”
1 John 5:1-2

I once heard somebody refer to these first two verses in 1 John 5 as a love test. By His life and sacrifice of life, Jesus models to us the true meaning of agape love, unconditional love. When thinking of love, sometimes it can feel as if loving others is a task, another something to do, pouring out a specific amount from a measuring cup. A 1/4 of a cup here, 1/2 cup here, 1/8 of a cup here. The problem with loving others in this manner is that it always runs out and leaves us (and them) empty. The love of God is quite the opposite. Loving others like God leaves us filled and loving from our overflow of Christ. In the verses above, John (the author) of 1 John reminds the church that HOW we love others is a true indicator of HOW we love God. When you read those verses, where is your love barometer at? How well are you doing loving others? Is there an individual or couple you need to recenter your affections towards based on Christ’s unfailing love?