For many years I equated having a vision with goals and objectives, believing that if I kept my focus on some event in the future I would stay on track to accomplish its fulfillment.
Now I see it much differently because I realize that I can’t achieve anything of spiritual significance unless the Lord is making it happen. The very best that I can do is to be a witness of what He is doing and the vision I need is to see clearly, in each present moment, that God is working in me to will and do of His good pleasure.
When any event is happening I want to keep my focus on Him and see the current situation from His perspective. This enables me to abide continuously in fellowship with Him and experience His peace and joy without the distracting expectation of some future event that I want to happen.
I pray that I will have an obsession for my vision of the Lord to be more real than any earthly aspiration or ambition.