November 5, 2020

Jose Abaroa
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Mark 1:15

Jesus’ first words in the Gospel of Mark teach us how to respond to His coming. God inaugurated His kingdom by sending His son Jesus to live a perfect life and reconcile all of humanity back to the Father through His death and resurrection. In order for us to inherit the Kingdom there is a sole condition: we must repent and believe. So let’s respond to Him today by turning from our ways and choosing His way. Not only is His way the best way, but living God’s way is the most satisfying way to live. Let’s also live today believing in the Gospel! Believing that the sovereign God who created the Heavens and the Earth wants to walk with us today through the valleys and mountaintops. I choose to believe today that the King who left His throne to rescue me from the darkness within and around me, loves me and is with me.