November 25, 2020

Paulina De La Fuente
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
Romans 8:6

Something I’ve been asking myself during this series is where are areas, circumstances, relationships, etc. where I don’t feel peace. When I ask that question, I usually look at my exterior circumstances to see what needs to be changed or “fixed” in order to find peace. Instead, I’ve been reminded that it’s the knowledge of Jesus having restored a right relationship between me and God that allows me access to inexplainable peace. As believers we have the mind of Christ, giving us access to peace as we submit to His perspective and follow His plan and purposes. When I allow my mind to be governed by my flesh and the outside world, I’m toiled with heaviness, doubt, and chaos. However when I take my thoughts captive and allow the Spirit to govern my mind, I find overwhelming peace — even when my circumstances haven’t changed.