November 14, 2023

Scarlett Kiowski
"He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord."
Proverbs 18:22

If we want our marriages to honor the Lord we must do things His way, not the world’s way. Thankfully, in Ephesians 5:22-33 Paul writes and tells us what a Godly marriage entails and describes our roles as men and women. He explains how marriage is a representation of Christ’s sacrificial love for the church. While Paul goes into more detail, we are going to keep it simple, husbands are called to lead and women are called to submit. Yep, I said it! I said the “s” word! I said it knowing it might ruffle a few feathers, even though Paul said it first, not me. So don’t shoot the messenger and before you stop reading, I have good news for you! When I was a new bride, trying to process what it meant to be a Godly wife, the best thing I ever heard was, “submission to my husband was submission to God.” When I heard that, I felt so freed. It meant I could fully trust my imperfect husband because trusting him meant trusting God. Now at times, that’s easier said than done, but honestly, both roles come with their own set of challenges as stated in Genesis 3. I’m thankful for each of our roles and how they compliment each other. Our goal shouldn’t be to fight for a position but a quest to make each other’s roles easier. I challenge the women reading this to honor your husbands, trust them, embrace your position as wife! What an honor, what a gift, as expressed in today’s passage. Men, be easy to follow. Love your wives well. Step up and lead, be the men that God has called you to be.

Lord, help us to honor you with our marriages out of reverence to you. In Jesus name, amen.