March 20, 2024

Meredith Ketter
"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken."
Psalm 62:5-6

I am eternally grateful that I was fortunate enough to be raised in a Christian home by parents who loved Jesus! I remember as a little girl, we were never allowed to have friends spend the night on Saturday night because we attended the 8:30 a.m. service, which we may have missed once a year.

Even having a strong foundation growing up, if I am being honest, I was borrowing my parents’ faith. My faith in Jesus was more inspired by the fear of going to hell than by a relationship with Him. I lived my life operating in fear. Fear of upsetting people, fear of failing, fear of the dark, and ultimately, fear of death.

In November 2014, my precious dad was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told him he had 5 months to live. I was an only child and saw my dad daily, so the shock and devastation of his cancer diagnosis overtook my life. I started having panic attacks and was filled with anxiety. I worried so much that my hair was falling out! At that moment I realized I had no control and emotionally hit rock bottom. I had nowhere else to turn except to Jesus.

I can remember praying and crying out in the middle of the night begging Him to take away my fear and to fill me with faith. I was so scared of death that it took over my life. He immediately surrounded me with HIS precious children who held me up and fought for me! I would spend time in God’s Word seeking and praying that He would speak to me! HE DID! I can stand here today and testify that HE never left me, that HE is good, and HE will never leave or forsake us!