When I was in high school, a raffle was held at one of the school events. People were given a free ticket with a number on it, and there was to be a drawing during the event. The ticket said, “You must be present to win.” A thousand tickets were handed out, but only a few hundred people showed up for the activity. When it came time for the drawing, several tickets were drawn, but the people weren’t present to receive their free prize. They kept drawing until finally, a number was called, and a person with the matching ticket claimed their gift. The prize was free, but there was a condition; the winner had to be present to win.
That is a crude illustration to describe what Jesus was instructing the disciples. He was telling them about some tremendous blessings that he was about to give them in Jerusalem. However, the promises came with several conditions; they had to repent to receive the gift of forgiveness of sins, and they would also receive the gift that the Father promised if they stayed in the city.
Jesus has done his part by walking in complete obedience to his Father. Our responsibility is to meet the conditions that are associated with the promises. It may simply be a correct attitude or a right motive. If there are conditions, then we need to be willing to meet them if we want to claim the blessing.