January 9, 2024

Paulina De La Fuente
'"Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."'
John 14:5-6

I can really appreciate the directness of Thomas’ question here. Soon, Jesus would be arrested and would physically be heading to the cross. However instead of giving the disciples a geographic, moral, or behavioral direction, He gave them a more simple and yet difficult way: Himself.

He offered Himself as the example, the road to follow, the way back to God the Father. Jesus offered His own death as the way towards attaining our new life. There is no better plan or focus for our lives than the way of Jesus. His way is sure, stable, and good no matter what comes.

Thank You Jesus for the way You have paved for us. Give us strength to follow after You faithfully, and to return to You quickly when we stray. Help us be sure of Your words in these verses; strengthen us to continually trust in You each day.