January 8, 2024

Paulina De La Fuente
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
John 14:1-4

These verses pick up as Jesus is comforting His disciples right after telling them several things that I’m sure were hard to hear: not only would someone at the table betray Jesus, but Jesus would go to a place where the disciples couldn’t join Him, yet. As a bonus, even with the best intentions, one of them would deny Jesus three times instead of continuing to follow Him as circumstances got more and more pressurized.

Knowing the context helps me feel the weightiness of Jesus’ words. The fact that He starts off by telling them (not asking, suggesting, etc.) to not let their hearts be troubled tells me that we have some ability to do so. We are not helpless or left to figure things out on our own. Instead, Jesus is clear that we will both 1) have troubles in this world, and 2) not have to live with troubled hearts amidst it. He gives us a clear solution to accomplish this: “You believe in God; believe also in me.”

Jesus reveals His presence with the disciples amidst humanly troubles, His deliberate presence on His way to the cross, His presence in heaven interceding for us, and His presence to one day receive us as believers into eternity where His Kingdom will reign forever. What a lofty hope we have to hold onto, if we only pause to consider it and let our minds and hearts be changed by it.

What’s troubling your heart this morning? How does believing in Jesus’ understanding and presence with you, no matter your circumstances, settle your heart? Help us see You, Jesus, and Your constant presence in our lives. Bring us back to You when our hearts get easily troubled by so many things around us. Help us start this day, week, and 2024 as a whole by drawing closer to You in all circumstances.