January 24, 2023

Scarlett Kiowski
"What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you?"
James 4:1

Submitting yourself to God is key to a successful and happy marriage. Pastor Rob once said, “Jesus doesn’t war with Jesus”. In other words, husbands, and wives, if you both act like Jesus then you won’t war against each other. Remember, God is for us not against us.

The same is true in our marriages, we are called to be for each other not against each other. Understandably, this can be easier said than done but it is doable, I promise. As we all know, our sin and fleshly desires can get in the way of a peaceful and lifegiving marriage. It can be easy to choose pride over humility, selfishness over selflessness, bondage over freedom. If your marriage is in distress, find a couple with a healthy marriage and ask them if you can hang out with them! Ask questions, ask for accountability. Marriage requires work.

James 4:7 says, “Submit [ourselves], then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We discussed in yesterday’s devotional, the enemy’s plan for the family. If he can break down our marriages, he can break down our families. Thankfully, no marriage is too broken for God. He longs to come in and intervene on our behalf.