What a joint commitment we have to each other within the body of Christ. So many things come to mind for me when thinking about what gets in the way of being able to do this really well for the people around me.
When others around me are suffering, being internally minded, overly focused on my own needs, or holding onto my own perspective, can limit being able to see others for where they are at and from taking the time to walk through the suffering with them.
When others are honored (especially if we don’t feel the same ourselves), our ego, insecurities, or lack of confidence in how God has shaped us individually can keep us from being able to rejoice with them.
Reading these verses, I am overwhelmed with all the ways I fall short, and yet, I’m also encouraged at how God still says what’s in these verses: “each one of you is a part of [the body of Christ].” An imperfect people with a perfect Savior, learning what it means to be a part of His body.