January 14, 2022

Rhonda Patterson
"And God placed all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all."
Ephesians 1:22-23

Jesus, the head over all things for us, the church. Praying and then yielding the outcome to Jesus is the absolute best way. Sometimes it can be extremely hard, though, when our prayers aren’t answered quite the way that we’d hoped and asked for. Most people have experienced this on some level or walked alongside someone else who has. We’ve wondered why God didn’t heal or why he allowed suffering to continue, even as we travailed in prayer and fasting. Trusting in the mysteries of God’s will gives us peace, even in disappointment and sorrow.

Jesus himself set the ultimate example of this as he went to the cross, saying, “thy will be done.” He had absolute trust in God’s plan of redemption. We wouldn’t be here today, knowing him and loving him, had he balked. He was so aligned with the Father and the Spirit that he yielded even unto suffering and death. Is there something you need to yield to God’s will today? Even facing uncertainty, he is faithful, and we can trust him.