I had a method for getting through difficult English Literature classes requiring the reading of old books – I used other people’s professional summaries of the novel. I do not think this strategy was very honoring of my teachers, and I certainly did not recommend this method to my kids.
I guess my old underachieving-self admires this scribe who had the courage to ask Jesus to summarize a really old book…the earliest writings in the Bible. The teacher of the law was not really looking for a shortcut, but rather he knew from observation that Jesus had real answers to significant questions. He asked a bold question because he genuinely wanted a clear answer from the source of all knowledge.
This is a powerful lesson for us. When something about faith, the Bible, or Christianity is confusing to you, are you bold enough to ask God for clarification? I love that our God is OK with our questions. He invites them. He encourages us to come to Him like little children…and they ask tons of questions. Jesus does not shame the scribe, and God will not shame you. So ask…and listen for the response.