December 19, 2021

Taylor Christensen
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Throughout multiple studies, researchers have found that happiness leads to better health and a longer life. Isn’t it fun when fancy studies conclude something the Bible has already taught for centuries?

Christmas can be such a joyful time… between the presents, delicious food, and fun times with friends and family. But despite so much that brings us joy in this season, there’s really only one true source of joy that we can count on no matter what. Even if we don’t get all the presents we want. Even if the food gets overcooked. Even if our whole family isn’t able to be together.

God provides us an opportunity to find joy in Him, not our circumstances. It’s only when we look to Him and His perspective on our situations that we can live free from worry, disappointment, and stress.