December 10, 2023

Bob Maas
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God."
Romans 5:1-2

No matter how long I live, I know that I’ll never be able to go to God in any other way apart from His mercy and grace. I will never, in my own way, be righteous enough to commune with Him.

The cross, where all of my sins were forgiven, was the instrument that enabled me to be reconciled to my Heavenly Father. The blood of Christ, sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in heaven, is what gives me the boldness and right to abide in His presence and live in freedom from the guilt and shame of my past.

The righteousness that I need to commune with Him has been attributed to me based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and Him alone. My salvation and deliverance from the kingdom of darkness gives me something to rejoice in continually because I am at peace with God through my Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank the Lord for the victory I have in Him.