As I read those verses, they fill my spirit with rest and hope. It’s easy to go through life, day by day, wearing a metaphorical backpack collecting weighty “things” as you go. The stress from work, the heaviness of the broken relationship, the consequences of poor decisions, the anxiety about finances, the shame of the past, the hostility towards a person. I’m sure some of your own weights come to mind. And one by one, we forget that Jesus came to save us, putting weight by weight in our imaginary backpack to continue on.
But the truth is, God didn’t design us to carry those weights. God created us, man and woman, in His image to reflect who He is. God is not out to “get us.” He is out to love us. Jesus already endured the hostility of the world so that we could live in freedom and truth. When we take God’s words to heart, we can have strength for today and hope for tomorrow.