April 14, 2023

Joel Hernandez
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
Psalm 32:8

One important tool in studying scripture is to look at it within the context of the whole chapter versus a verse standing alone. This impacts how we interpret scripture and subsequently how we apply it. In Psalm 32:8, who is the speaker? David or God? Some scholars believe that it is David speaking since he has been speaking throughout the whole chapter. They would say he is referring to his own experience and how he will use that to give counsel to others, rightfully so. Others believe that it is God who is speaking, stating that He will guide those who are submitted to Him. I believe we can take encouragement on either side of the coin that we land.

My personal understanding is the former. David has the credibility to instruct and teach because of what God has brought him through. Not only does he have the credibility, but he has the desire to use what God has walked with him through to help others. To me, this reflects discipleship. As we pursue Jesus and go through various situations, we can then walk with other believers that might be newer to the faith and encourage, teach, and advise them. Of course, the Lord is our ultimate wise counsel and teacher. We are drawing from Him and His work in our lives to help walk alongside others.

How can we use what we have gone through to encourage and empathize with others? Is there someone in your life that God is calling you to disciple? Let us mirror David’s willingness to walk with others as we are pursuing Jesus.