God has a will and so do I. When mine is in conflict with His, I can get along for a while but eventually I begin to face problems and challenges that I am incapable of solving.
I am so grateful that there is a very simple way that I can immediately find my way back to Him in every situation, no matter how complex it may appear. All I have to do is surrender everything to Him and be grateful. Something miraculous happens when I stop what I am doing and focus my attention on the Lord and express my appreciation for what He has done in my life.
I have so much for which I can give thanks and I will never exhaust the list. Even when there are negative situations taking place in my life, I can do His will by simply being thankful.
The conditions don’t necessarily change but the miracle takes place inside of me because I am focusing my attention on His faithfulness. Every negative thought that I had evaporates and my heart is filled to overflowing with His joy and peace. I thank God for His guidance.