The world is full of enticing sources of satisfaction and significance. It feels like nearly everyday, there’s a new answer to our search for fulfillment. Whether it’s a brand new gadget, a higher paying job, the dream of an ideal home life, or even just seeking the perfect set of friends and family, we’re bombarded with “if only’s.” If only I had ____, then I’d be satisfied…then I’d be complete.
These enticing sources are loud, bold, in our faces, and, if I’m honest, overwhelming at times. Yet Jesus offered us a completely counter-cultural answer to our deepest desires. It was to embrace His new way of living. A yoke that didn’t require more hustling, more busyness, more stress, but a yoke that offered rest. A yoke for those just like sheep without a shepherd, harassed and helpless.
Despite the Gospel being known by some as exclusive and legalistic, the truth is indeed the opposite. Our Lord invites all to take upon His yoke, releasing the attachment to this world and receiving true rest that can only come from Him. There are so many God has placed around me who aren’t experiencing that rest. Lord, please give me the boldness to share what You’ve done in my life, sharing the goodness of Your rest that the world can’t even come close to providing.