July 26, 2024

There are compliments I still remember receiving when I was in middle school because they were not common and when they were out of the blue, they felt more genuine. That encouragement would be something I thought of often growing up, which could have been unhealthy or healthy, but as I have gotten older and began surrounding myself with other Christians I would see this genuine encouragement more often than I ever had seen. The verse Hebrew 10:25, which says “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” has led me to understand as children of God we are told that if we are living in a relationship with God we should also desire to encourage those around us.

A parent of a student recently told me she attended Cypress Creek Church for the first time and began tearing up as she said how impactful it was when strangers asked for her name. She was encouraged by how the worship leader told the kids the teachers are so excited to see them. Those small habitual things we experienced in the church lead to some profound encouragement in another person’s heart, and it leads me to wonder, what simple encouragement can we show the world outside the walls of the church. I am extroverted so throwing out random compliments to strangers comes a little easier; but, to encourage another Christian really can look like not acting like strangers when you see them out of church, like anytime I saw a teacher in the grocery store growing up. Next time you see someone you recognize from church in HEB, school, or around town, say “hi,” and encourage them and just see what God can do in that person’s heart!

July 25, 2024

When I first got to Texas State in 2018 I was living half for God and half for the world meaning I really belonged to the world. I felt like I knew all there was to a Christian community as I went on mission trips, attended youth groups, sometimes read the Bible and felt encouraged. When I got to Texas State I lost the two things in my life that became idols, my relationship and running track. I was then purposed with opportunities to go indulge in the worldly side of Texas State or attend Crosstalk. When I attended Crosstalk for the first time I felt God shatter my heart during worship as I felt a clear feeling that God had never been distant but was so near, knew all I was going through, and He was calling me into a true relationship with Him. It is in the following months that the verse Colossians 3:16 which says, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” became true in my life.

It seemed everyday I was meeting with someone in Crosstalk who wanted to share their testimony, dive into deep theological talk, worship in the car, or just live life in a Christ-centered way with me! This time is when I truly experienced a relationship with Jesus by stepping fully into teaching scripture, worshiping hymns with others, and feeling the genuine David-like worship in the mundane moments of life!

July 24, 2024

When I was little I was at the pool with my sister and her friends. I remember that sister had an inflatable bed that she loved, but one of her friends managed to pop it. That friend told me first and in an effort to keep my sister happy I knew if I would take the blame her pool day would not be ruined so I told her I did it and the day went on. That moment stuck with me that my intuition was to do whatever it took to keep others at peace. Now it’s a silly story where I even lied in the moment; but, that intuition has seemed to leave me as I got older and in middle or high school. Anytime I was in the wrong I suddenly did whatever it took to take that blame off of me and place it on someone else. Romans 14:19 Paul writes “ “ Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”

That verse seems so simple in that we just need to be peaceful with one another. From what I have seen in my life and others is that the devil knows the exact ways to divide us. There are the clear larger divisions people put over our unity in God like politics, but I believe there are much subtler divisions that really impact us. When a worship song does not go or sound how we like, when the message is not exactly to our liking, when someone messes up in any way or just appears different than us and we hold a grudge against them. There are so many subtle things that lead me to not be as bold in my faith with others, to not include others in certain events, to pick and choose who I invested in. I wonder what the church would look like if we thought of our personal list that for whatever reason are just simple things that get to us and that we have used to look at others in the church differently. I then wonder if we took that to God and pushed ourselves to push out those small things that divide our opinions and remain at peace with one another that we are all children of the living God!

July 23, 2024

When I read 1st Corinthians 14:26, which says, “What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up” I feel encouraged except for the fact that I don’t think my singing voice would offer very much to the church. This verse brings out my heart for the student ministry as I not only want as many students as possible to gather for the Lord, but I believe in every single student. I wish I could sit down with every student from Danforth and Wimberly High School and share this verse with them not to join a choir but to understand that they are incredibly valuable.

Growing up, I wanted to just be a sponge and not a faucet. I wanted to sit in the service thinking my time was best spent always listening to sermons; however, I learned not expressing my gifts in the church led me to have that exact type of faith. I had a faith where my devotion to God depended on how beneficial I felt He was to me. If others knew I tithed, if helping someone across seas looked good to others, if I felt good after setting up or cleaning up the church then I would do it. In college, that conviction changed when I thought of how Jesus knew he was going to die the next day. If I knew I had one day left to live I would try to consume as much fun, love, joy, and comfort as I could. Jesus, knowing death was around the corner, chose a somewhat different approach. He grabbed an old wooden bucket and a dirty rag, he knelt down, unstrapped his disciple’s smelly, dirty feet, and washed them.

The moment I started joyfully serving as a leader, to help clean up, to help in any way needed with a healthy balance of still being poured into, I was able to see God’s children create a symphony of love to all people from all backgrounds that walked through those church doors, I encourage you to do the same and experience that beauty!

July 22, 2024

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) Says, “29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what helps build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” This is a familiar verse we grew up with to stop getting us to yell at our older sisters, or maybe that was just me. Like every verse, this verse is meant to be read circularly, meaning time and time again. I remember when my parents divorced this verse led me to stop cursing, which, as that habit stuck all these years, I now have seen this verse in a new and similarly true way.

Recently I read through James, and in James 3, he writes about taming the tongue and how humans can tame anything from lions to fish to my golden retriever that acts like a piranha, we can tame them. When it comes to our words; however, we can not seem to ever tame them. When I get frustrated at an activity, person, or just bumping into a countertop, it seems the words I can sometimes say but mostly think and believe in my heart are more hurtful than the lack of curse words I have said all these years. James describes the tongue as a small rudder that guides an entire ship where the words I say throughout my day seem innocent, funny, or justified and yet I was just numbing the way I felt after saying hurtful words.

I always wanted to evangelize to my friend but I was always gossiping about others to him, or even evangelizing to my dad but I was always yelling at myself when I was doing poorly in sports. To begin thinking about how my words can build others up instead of bringing a hammer of justice, I began seeing God work through those relationships in ways I did not think was possible. If you are struggling to wonder what it is like to evangelize better in your workplace, to your family, or friends, maybe consider letting God lead that rudder in your life. When someone messes up and you are justified in tearing them down in any way, maybe consider the impact of encouraging them could have in not only loving your neighbor as yourself but in how they see Christ’s love through your words.

July 21, 2024

Trusting God has become progressively easier for me over the years. The amazing thing about faith is watching how God honors His word.
My natural tendency has always been to lean on my own understanding and view everything that happens from my limited knowledge and experience.
When I read one of God’s promises in Scripture and it contradicts what I have always believed to be true, I have a predicament. Do I believe Him or do I hold on to what I always thought was reality.
Shortly after I started following Jesus I formed a presupposition that the Bible was inspired by God and the Holy Spirit is my teacher to guide me in understanding it. Now I realize that is a huge part of the foundation of my faith.
It is much easier to believe Him because He has proven Himself to be faithful so many times. Faith is one of the greatest gifts He has given me and I am eternally grateful for it.

July 20, 2024

For many years I lived without a sense of God’s presence in my life. There were many things that pointed me in His direction but my self-determination to do what I thought would bring me pleasure was a dark cloud that obscured my vision.
I lived without purpose, always taking the path of least resistance. What I considered to be liberty was really an illusion and my isolation from God was producing unpleasant consequences.
When my good friend pointed me to Jesus, it was the Lord working through him to rescue me from the deceptive lies I had come to believe.
Now my prayer is that God will use me to guide others who are living in darkness to find the light of His presence in the same way I was counseled.

July 19, 2024

When I used to do things that I thought would bring me pleasure, the gratification was always short-lived. I had to find something else that would bring me enjoyment.
I never considered that I had very little self-respect and didn’t give much thought about the Lord.
When I started following Jesus I found that my gratefulness for what He did for me at Calvary also brought a tremendous respect and reverence for Him and my Heavenly Father. It also taught me how to honor God and honor those who were following Him because Jesus honored us by laying down His life.
I began to place value on things I had previously regarded as insignificant. The more I engaged in doing new activities that were much more rewarding, the fruition of the effort I made to do them brought lasting satisfaction.

Now, by trying to honor Him in everything I do I am experiencing His peace, contentment, and joy in much greater abundance than ever before. I pray that He will give me more of His wisdom so that I will be able to see life increasingly more from His perspective and honor Him in everything I do.

July 17, 2024

When God created the heavens and the earth, He also created two kingdoms. One kingdom was made up of material things, and the other was spiritual. The physical realm included everything from plants and vegetation to animals and people. If God had made the people robotic and programmed them to do what He wanted, everything would have been different.

But He didn’t do that. He gave people the freedom to choose! Wow!!! Think about that, and then look at how chaotic everything is. Isaiah said that we are all like sheep going in an infinite number of directions, all away from God. Did He make a mistake? No! He is on His throne in heaven, letting everyone do whatever they want.

However, another part of the drama is hidden from most people. The spiritual kingdom comprises other forms of creatures called angels and demons. In different places in the Bible, they are referred to as ministering spirits, servants, the heavenly host, and numerous other labels. And then there is another group of shady characters called rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

So here we are. Finite creatures who are like a vapor in eternity, and we are told not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought but rather think of ourselves with sober judgment. God, who is rich in mercy, raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms. We can live above the chaos by simply humbling ourselves before God and one another and receive the life and love that He freely gives.

Let’s honor one another!

July 16, 2024

Shawn asked a very important question during his sermon: What do you treasure? Our answers reveal what we value and how we are motivated.

Before I started following Jesus, I valued pleasure and instant gratification. This resulted in a very unstable lifestyle that led to many failures and wounded relationships. The biggest failure brought tremendous pain to my family and me. Fortunately, the despair I experienced was greater than my fear of change, and I was blessed to have a man in my life who shared the gospel with me.

I had no idea that I would be required to make continual changes in my life to overcome my conditioned way of following the egocentric desires. Every time the light of God’s love shined a little brighter in my heart, old habits and desires were exposed. I was being transformed, and things I used to value became liabilities.

Today, more than anything else, I value the tremendous peace and joy I experience as I commune with people. Without an agenda and frequently without words, I am blessed to simply be with my friends and family.