July 15, 2024

Everything in the universe was created for God’s pleasure. He has a plan, and He will accomplish it. No one else can take credit for what He did. He alone is worthy of receiving honor and glory.

God has always known there was the potential for good and evil, righteousness and wickedness. Nevertheless, before he created anything, He already had the plan for redemption in place. God knows the end and the beginning, and He can make everything that happens work for His eternal purpose.

Our responsibility is to trust Him and walk in the way of love, just like Jesus did. If we want to honor Him, we must believe He exists and submit to His authority.

Jesus taught us that the only way to overcome evil is to do what is right in His sight. We can forgive, show mercy, do justly, and separate ourselves from the world’s ways. We honor God when we live His way.

July 14, 2024

God’s way is to transform any negative situation into a positive one. All I have to do is surrender myself to Him and trust Him to guide me.
When I do that, any feeling I have of being overwhelmed or confused is replaced with His peace and confidence that everything will work out for the good of everyone.
I have no control to change what has happened in the past, nor do I have the ability and wisdom to know what will take place in the future.
What I do know is that I can commune with Him in the present moment because He never leaves me nor forsakes me. Being with Him is always the most important thing, regardless of the circumstances.
My evaluation of any situation is destined to eventually turn negative when I lean on my own understanding and forget to turn everything over to Him.
My prayer is that the Lord will graciously help me stay focused on Him so that I continually maintain an attitude of surrender and contentment in every situation.

July 13, 2024

No matter how much I hunger and thirst for righteousness, I never get to the point where I arrive at a thorough understanding of the Lord and His kingdom. I always have room to grow in my insight, understanding and perception of Him and His ways.
Each time He gives me a deeper awareness of Himself, my walk with Him becomes more consistent and simpler.
My needs for individuality at this stage of my life are becoming fewer and fewer because I am finding my identification with Him to be more and more sufficient.
My dissatisfaction with things that used to give me pleasure is evidence to me that He is actively participating in my life to draw me closer to Himself.
I pray that the Lord will take me ever more completely into fellowship with Him.

July 12, 2024

As we have studied this week, the context of this verse highlights the importance of accepting differences among believers, especially in matters of personal conviction. Paul is calling us to prioritize unity and peace over disputable or debatable matters. When we focus on fostering peace, we create an environment where acceptance and mutual growth can flourish. This unity reflects Christ’s love and brings glory to God.

So how do we “make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification”? Dr. Carl summarized this idea so beautifully this past Sunday. He challenged us to remember six things. The final one was to remember the desired result. This is our desired result: peace and mutual edification. Mutual edification is the process of building up one another in faith, encouraging spiritual growth, and strengthening the body of Christ. It involves being supportive and helping each other mature in our walk with God. Mutual edification is a two-way street where everyone involved benefits and grows together. By engaging in mutual edification, we help create a community rooted in love, acceptance, and unity, reflecting the love of Christ.

July 11, 2024

An interesting point that Dr. Carl taught about this past Sunday was to “remember the risk of harming another’s faith.” When we judge others, we risk alienating and creating barriers to their faith. When we are operating in Christ’s love, acceptance, humility and direction, we can be used powerfully in the lives of others. When correction comes with love, acceptance comes with ease. When we act with judgment, many problems arise. Instead of Godly correction we get condemnation, instead of acceptance we get division.

I would say that one of the things I have struggled with the most in my faith journey is judgment. When I find myself judging others, it often stems from my pride and, more often than not, my insecurity. When I judge others it not only causes harm to those I am judging, but also to myself. When I am not choosing to listen to the Holy Spirit, my pride and insecurity are separating me from Christ in that moment. It all causes a downward spiraling circle, filling me with more judgment and dissension and moving me further from peace.

But when I remove myself from the judgement seat, God goes back to his rightful place as the judge. What stops my downward cycle is confessing my own sin of pride and judgement, choosing empathy and grace, encouraging instead of condemning, and seek forgiveness for myself first. Then I can allow Christ to guide me back to peace.

July 10, 2024

The key phrases that stick out to me in this verse are to have one mind, to sympathize, to love each other, to be tenderhearted, and to be humble.

Another word for having one mind is like-mindedness. This does not mean we must agree on every issue, but it does mean we share a common purpose and commitment to Christ. This reminds me of a point Dr. Carl taught us this past Sunday — we need to remember the referee. Christ is our common ground, and He will work out all things for His glory.

Sympathizing is understanding and sharing the feelings of others. By putting ourselves in others’ shoes, we can better support and accept one another, especially in times of disagreement.

Love is the foundation of all Christian relationships. Loving one another means we seek the best for each other, forgive freely, and act with kindness and patience. This love and sympathy creates a soft and tender heart. It is easy for me to have conflict when my heart is hardened, it is much harder when I am in authentic relationship with someone, when I love them and sympathize with them, when I pray for them, when I have a tender heart towards them.

Humility involves recognizing our own limitations and valuing others above ourselves. I love the Rick Warren quote, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.”

Paul is teaching us to accept each other and to build a community that reflects Christ’s love and grace. With sympathy, love, tenderheartedness and humility we partner with Christ in the building up of not only our Cypress Creek community, the the worldwide Church Christ is leading.

July 9, 2024

I love harmony. Musical harmony is when two or more different musical lines are played or sung at the same time and yet sound beautiful together. Harmony in our community happens when we are individually acting the way God created us, when we are full of the Holy Spirit and operating in our spiritual gifts. This is when we sound the most beautiful, because we have “joined together with one voice”. We complement one another, just as harmonies in a song complement one another.

But Paul acknowledges that we need tools to live in harmony– patience and encouragement. With these two things we can put the needs of others ahead of our own. Christ put others before Himself and sought to serve rather than be served. Adopting this mindset helps us to view others with compassion and grace.

When we come together with one mind and one voice, our worship and our witness become powerful. This unity in Christ shows the world the transformative power of the Gospel.

July 8, 2024

This verse reminds us that our acceptance of each other should mirror Christ’s acceptance of us. It is a call to unity and love, even when we face differences and disagreements. The church today grapples with a variety of issues, and it is easy to let these differences create divisions, but Paul’s message urges us to take a different path.

With Christ as our model, we are called to move toward unity over uniformity. Unity in the church is not about uniformity of thought, but about coming together in love despite our differences. It is about valuing relationships over being right. Through our act of accepting one another, we are participating in giving glory to God. We are worshiping Him with our love for one another.

As Dr. Carl taught us this Sunday, applying these ideas throughout the week could look like listening for understanding, focusing on the common ground instead of the differences, praying for unity in our community, and acting with grace and kindness. Christ is our ultimate example, and through the power of Christ in our lives we get to participate in this Kingdom work of accepting others.

July 7, 2024

I am very grateful that God has not given me a spirit of fear.
When I am abiding in Him I have a tremendous sense of well being and there is nothing of which I am afraid. His love drives away whatever objects of apprehension are looming around me.
It is when I am living my life without a conscious awareness of His presence that my thoughts run wild and darkness overtakes me with worry and anxiety.
Nothing can separate me from God’s love so when I am fearful, all I have to do is redirect my thoughts on the Lord and I start thinking clearly again.
I thank God every day for His presence that gives me peace.

July 6, 2024

God has shown me, through Scripture, what is good and what He requires of me. It’s not complicated. His desire for me is to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him.
Jesus did that by abiding in continual communion with His Father. He was God’s exact representation on this plane of existence and never said or did anything without His approval. He lived in complete surrender to His Father.
That is how I want to live; in complete surrender to whatever, wherever, whenever and however He chooses for me. I want to demonstrate His mercy and grace to others the same way He did for me.
Just as Jesus viewed everything from God’s perspective, I want to observe what happens in my life that same way.
I pray for His guidance so I can follow through with that, moment by moment, in fellowship with Him.