Featured Stories
The power of forgiveness!!
Alexa -
To trust Him more in everything!!
Crystal -
Peace in the midst of chaos!
Anonymous -
I have been blessed to be baptized!
Marleigh -
He gives and takes away...valleys have an expiration date.
Meredith -
God has taught me to trust Him more than anything this year.
Rebecca -
To be still and know He is God. This year was a reminder for me that He is in control, not me. To trust Him in all things.
Shonna -
God is always purposeful and intentional. Embracing His peace comes as I choose to trust Him in every circumstance and season.
Rhonda -
That He is always in control... we are in control of nothing. When we live for Him, no chaos or turmoil here on earth can ever steal our joy because our final purpose is not here on earth, but rather in eternal heaven with our Father.
Andy -
No matter what happens, the power of God is bigger than the world! Through an incredibly difficult year, my family and I have been blessed beyond measure. God brought us across the country, introduced us to our new church family at CCC, and has blessed us in so many other ways. I am in awe of his goodness amidst the storm.
Jon -
God is using the pandemic to teach me how to simplify my life and my walk with Him. I can honestly say that I am experiencing a period of growth in the Lord that probably wouldn’t have happened if there had not been so much change in my life situations.
Bob -
God is so good! With so much hurt in the world, we are thankful for a church that loves people well, and want to heal the hurt. Grateful for a church that truly goes after the one - no one is left behind!
Anonymous -
God has taught me how He looks after and cares for the small details in my life as well as the big things. This year He has taught me that it's only by His wisdom and constant presence in my life that I'm able to have true peace.
Paulina -
Rest and soak in the Word of God. I can’t seem to get enough of His Word. I hunger for the words and truths in the Bible. Each morning they are made new. What I’ve read before, years ago, seem fresh and alive. I know my Redeemer lives in me and in the Word every morning.
Mary -
God has taught me through this pandemic how much I love my family, specially my parents that I am very blessed to have them in my life and to be grateful with God for the beautiful family he has given me. Also I have learned that only God is in control of everything and to trust him with all my heart knowing that everything he allows to happen has a blessed purpose.
Marisa -
Deeper trust. In the midst of chaos, illness, joblessness, plague mentality, and political unrest, God has faithfully been my strong tower, strengthening my heart when I was shaken. He healed Lee, taught me to rest, gave us peace and showed us all that we had to be grateful for. He is always our very present help in time of need.
Denise -
God is continually teaching me that He is sovereign. I can make all the plans I want, but in the end it is His plan that I will see come to life. And looking back at how nothing has played out the way I planned, I can clearly see His plan is better than mine anyway. I’m learning to trust in that and find peace in that reality.
Emily -
After many months of prayer and planning, we took a leap of faith in January and started our own business. Before any of us could have ever imagined what this year would hold. It was challenging and at times just darn right scary. BUT GOD. Despite the doubt and fear, He was and is faithful to provide. We were blessed with the best year we've ever had. Thank you Lord for always providing above and beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
Anonymous -
God has taught me that He is in control and that He has a plan for me. I began the fall of 2019 with some deep hurt. Fast forward to COVID and being sequestered at home later in May to make the decision to retire earlier than planned. Now here we are in December and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt God gave me peace all throughout the year knowing He was in control. No matter what I might face, He’s in control. I have peace I knowing He’s got this!
Mary -
This has been a wonderful year for my family and me. I am grateful that, after three years of retirement from vocational ministry, Pastor Jose invited me to come on staff as a full time minister. Working with the CCC ministry team is a wonderful experience.
Bob -
2020 BLESSINGS * Gift of TIME ~ God gave me peace about retiring from teaching. I was given the gift of time to be with my husband, children and grandchildren more. * Gift of HEALTH ~ God blessed our family with more awareness of taking care of ourselves and others. * Gift of JOY ~ God reminded me many times to choose JOY when faced with disappiintments. * Gift of LIFE ~ God reminded me throughout the year how precious each day is, and to be thankful. * Gift of PRAYER ~ I'm confident that I have prayed more in 2020 than any year of my life! * Gift of CCC ~ Thank you Lord for leading Pastor Jose, Taylor and the entire team to serve enthusiastically and with grace to Your sons & daughters living/visiting in Hays County.
Colleen -
Humility and Trust. Walking through the loss of a job, loss of life, and a big time move the Lord has been so good to provide for me and my family in miraculous ways. Looking back now on 2020 a new marriage, a job for both my spouse and I, a home, and a community are just a small number of things He has provided. All with the simple reminder that it is all in God's way and in his time.
Anonymous -
The last 12 months have been life changing. I finished a 44 year career after “flunking” retirement twice... as my industry imploded due to COVID. After a 14 year battle with cancer and a stroke in 2019, my health challenges keep me humbled. And yet, in spite of it all, God continues to grow my faith through Bible studies, community group, and “hanging out” with my CR “step brothers” and sponsor. As my friend the Mob Boss (Bob Maas) says... I simply need to trust God and get out of his way. I look forward to what He will do in 2021!
Bob -
In Jan of 2020 God allowed my wife & myself to travel to Israel. A true trip of a life time for us. Seeing places like Nazareth, Cana, the Sea of Galilee, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, walking the streets of Jerusalem were amazing!.. The Bible came to life even more for us. Visiting the Garden Tomb was incredible. At each of these places we would read the Bible explaining what Jesus had experienced and the emotions were overwhelming. Driving into Jerusalem for the first time was truly a beautiful sight. I began to understand why our Savior would sit in the olive trees overlooking Jerusalem or taking in the view of the Sea of Galilee while he lived in Capernaum. I will never read the Bible the same ever again. Our God is alive and he's coming soon.
Clifford -
In these uncertain times we're all living in right now, I feel that God is teaching me "patience", and what it means to be patient. There's a tendency for wanting things to pass, to go away, or to just move on to the next stage of life, but God sees the 'bigger picture'. We may not understand it, but there's a reason that things are currently the way they are, at this moment in time, and He's allowing it to happen for His purpose. We need to 'let go' of the things we can't control, be patient, have faith (casting out fear), and "Let God!", for He, and He alone knows what is best, and is in ultimate control!
Randy -
I am closer to my family than I have ever been. There’s a lot of negativity that surrounds having our daily routines suddenly derailed. But for me, a lot of good things happen even as a result of my lack of control. It’s reorienting and refreshing— it helps me realize what’s actually important and admittedly that a lot of the things I pursue are not as important as the priority I am giving them. I thank God for his unexpected challenges, when he can point out to me that I have some holes in my boat. But he also gives me the opportunity to fix them before it’s too late.
Daniel -
This year God has taught me to have more of an eternal perspective. Through COVID and having a cousin being diagnosed with terminal cancer, I have been reminded of how much our lives on earth are but a blip on the timeline of eternity. This has driven me to think about how I spend my time and resources in the brief time I have on this earth. Not to store up treasures here on earth but treasures in Heaven (Matt 6:19-20). 2020 has also taught me that we should all be ready to give the reason for the hope we have with gentleness and respect (1 Pet 3:15). In a year of strong opinions and debates, while I prayed for the Spirit to lead me in how I shared the gospel with my unbelieving cousin, I challenged to share my faith in a way that was both gentle and respectful. These promptings (eternal perspective + being ready to share the basis of my hope) has increased the peace meter in my life.
Doug -
To trust Him with EVERYTHING! He’s got this and I don’t and I don’t have to! To rest in Him. Doesn’t that sounds peaceful? I’ve learned that it is. I can’t do it all, I’m not supposed to do it all. What I’m supposed to do, need to do and want to do is to spend time with Him. Let Him teach me, show me and love me. We (I) get so busy “doing”, that I don’t remember that I am a human BEING not a human doing...rest in Him. And, I continue to hope. He is my hope, my hope for today and my hope for my future. As they say in Uganda, “God is good all the time, all the time, God is good.” Amen!
Becky -
In 2020 God has been teaching me many things. Discipline, Self-Control. That I can really trust Him. That He really is with me throughout my day. That He really has gifted me His Holy Spirit and I can hear Him if I seek and listen. Despite all the chaos and division going on in the world, God is with us. We may not understand it, but He offers us his Peace beyond our understanding so that we may prevail over life's trials and choose Joy amidst suffering. May the Holy Spirit convict us all to love and care for one another even greater in 2021!
Anonymous -
This year has been very hard for me and my family. I faced many trails and storms in my daily life. Many times I felt lonely, without hope and discouraged but I never stopped running to my Savior. Day by day facing the biggest mountain, mocked by the cruel and wicked, the Lord taught me that He is the only God, that He is in control, that there is not a better place for me to run to His powerful arms and to experience His protection and His comfort. Even though my heart was broken and my circumstances were not what I wanted or needed, I got the best of everything ..... His presence, His peace, and His love. Remember at the end We, His chosen one, will WIN.
Maria -
God has taught me this year that prayer is not meant to just be silent. I used to believe that prayer was something only between God and I. In this crazy season of 2020 I have learned that God already knows what we need but he wants us speak those words out loud. Praying for my neighbors, friends, clients at work, and for the needs of our community. Asking God out loud not only help with the specific needs but asking him to give us a specific talent, tool, person, or ability that will be a way to be able to meet those needs. When we speak those needs out loud, God is able to use those prayers and answer then in greater magnitude than we ever thought. Helping us to help others in BIGGER ways and more abundantly than we ever thought possible. When we ended 2019 we prayed for the ability to come together as nonprofits and churches and expand our reach in the community to help more people in need. Praise GOD for answering THAT prayer right when we needed him in March of 2020. He continued to answer every single prayer. It was incredible just how clear God was working. We would pray- “God, we are going to serve more people this year, please keep us safe and bring us the financial means and volunteers to make our events happen”. God continued to bless us. Even prayers like “ God, we are running out of Coats, or we are running low in Christmas Store supplies, show us the best way to provide for all the families that need help this year”. It would be minutes later and someone had purchased our entire amazon list, someone would walk in the door with winter coats, or Susan Myers calling with an incredible gift of love from the CCC church members to the Christmas Store. God has taught me In 2020 to never be silent in prayer. Both in my personal life and in my role at Barnabas. He knows what we need but he also wants to have that connection to us. When we pray out loud to him, we also give others the opportunity to show God’s love and answers those prayers. Thank you, CCC members, for showing up so many times this year. Many blessings to you all!!
Kate -
God has taught me to be patient and to wait on him. I can’t wait to see how God works all of 2020 out for his good!
Anonymous -
Choose Joy and Expect Miracles! “Lord, give me joy and peace instead of grief and fears. Help me to trust you wholeheartedly!” This had been my prayer in the fall of 2019. In the fall of 2019, I realized that I needed to leave room for God to do His thing. A baseball analogy pictured it perfectly. God and I were in the outfield and a long fly ball hurtled toward us. God said, “I’ve got this,” and waved me off, but I insisted that He move out of my way because I had it. How often had I interfered with God’s work? When would I learn to trust Him wholeheartedly? It was not long before God put me to the test. Would I trust Him, or would I wave Him off insisting that I had things under control? Would I interfere again? In May of 2020, Dad was diagnosed with moderate to borderline severe Alzheimer’s dementia. He lived independently in Ohio, alone with no one to care for him. His doctor requested that I attend a meeting with her and my father in her office to discuss his wishes regarding the future. Time was of the essence because who knew how long he would be able to communicate effectively with us. So, I set up the meeting. I planned to drive to Ohio where Dad lived. I would arrive before Father’s Day and be there to celebrate both Father’s Day and his 91st birthday. While there, we would also visit the doctor together. As the time drew near for me to go to Ohio, Dad panicked. He frantically insisted that I not come to Ohio. He used every excuse he could to dissuade me. What if I contracted COVID and got sick on the drive up? What about all the rioting in the cities along the way? He did not want me to come. That was clear. Abundantly clear. Painfully clear. And so, the test was set before me. Would I trust God, or would I take matters into my own hands? Would I wave God off again? The doctor did not consider Dad to be incapable of making his own decisions yet. Therefore, I had no legal or medical authority to intervene in his life. Dad insisted that I not come. For whatever reason, he was frantic and fearful about the prospect. Therefore, I had no moral or spiritual authority to intervene in his life. I must honor my father and God. God waved me off. So, I cancelled my trip to Ohio. I left the situation in God’s hands. I waited. I trusted. I called Dad regularly. It was clear that his situation was deteriorating. He was driving when he should not be. He had taken several falls. Fortunately, he had not been seriously injured. He had trouble operating his flip phone. Sometimes he did not answer his phone and I needed to call a neighbor to check on him. He had fallen behind on his bills and was receiving collection notices. I acted as intermediary between him and the collectors. He was not taking the new medicine the doctor had prescribed for his memory. Still, I waited. Still, I trusted. God had said, “I’ve got this.” Dad asked me to investigate assisted living facilities in Ohio and in Texas. I did as he asked not knowing whether he would stay in Ohio or move to Texas. If he received help, I would be satisfied. For months, he kept saying that he would move into assisted living when he could no longer drive. Then it became, I’ll wait until after the election to see what happens. I have no idea what the election had to do with it. Then it became, I’ll wait until they come out with a COVID-19 vaccine. He kept kicking the can down the road. Always stalling. Still, I waited. Still, I trusted. God had said, “I’ve got this.” I kept watch from afar making certain Dad was safe and well. Six long months later, on October 31, Dad called. He said, “I’m forgetting so much. I’m not doing anything correctly. I’m getting to the point where I’m not making sense to myself. I’m ready to go home with you.” God said, “Now! It’s time!” I flew to Ohio 7 days later. The next three weeks were a whirlwind of preparations to move Dad to Texas. And, oh, how God worked! Miraculously, God accomplished all that needed to be accomplished in His perfect timing! He had lined up all the people I needed to help me. People I had never met before! Cindy at the accounting office helped with banking and bills. Visits to his doctors unveiled the fact that Dad was malnourished, he had lost over 50 pounds in six months, and mismanaging his medicine. We got him on a high protein diet, and I began to administer his meds. Orien, his neighbor, helped me move furniture and made repairs in the condo. Dan at Best Buy helped answer Dad’s questions about how to operate his phone. Marilyn, the realtor, put the house on the market. It sold 5 days later! The buyer made the transaction incredibly easy by saying that he would not require a home inspection. My husband, Craig flew to Ohio and we loaded the UHaul for the drive back to Texas. We safely travelled 1,400 miles to get here. Dad made the trip like a champ! Locally, my friends, Jeanne Ann and Debbie, advised me about assisted living options nearby. There was one last studio the size Dad wanted available at Alexis Pointe. God saved it for Dad. And so, it went. God oversaw every detail. He continues to oversee the details as much remains to be done. I now realize that it is not really so much a test of faith as an opportunity to experience the goodness of God in the land of the living. What joy there is waiting on God, in trusting Him, and in seeing God work miraculously in your life! Oh, friends! Wait on God! Trust in Him! Stay out of His way. There is no need to “wave Him off”; no need to interfere. Stand back and see what He can and will do. Choose joy and expect miracles!