
Completing the Vision

There have been $3.6 million received in commitments out of the $4 million total budget. Of that, we already have $1.9 million in cash. This allows us to begin construction when permits are made available. The Overseers are trusting God to provide the remainder of the $400,000 to complete the vision of The Oaks Project.

Giving to the Project

Each family has the opportunity to give a financial gift now or present a financial commitment to be given by December 2025. Use the links below to offer a gift, complete a Commitment Card, or track your commitment progress.


Growing and Sowing

Over the last year, we have seen incredible evidence of lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus through 116 baptism celebrations, 51 Community Groups meeting in half a dozen cities, and the over 160 children attending our children’s ministry each Sunday. Our world right now is in dire need of strong churches that believe and invest in our families. No matter what season of life we’re in, we need to invest in our children and youth so that we can equip the next generation of leaders. The Oaks Project includes plans for a multi-purpose building with a 200-person large gathering space, three break-out classrooms, ample space for a park, and parking to tie it all together.

Prayerful Generosity

We kicked off The Oaks Project in late 2023 by dedicating 40 days of prayer ahead of Commitment Sunday, where the church family had the opportunity to present their giving commitments towards the project. As we embark on the project’s construction phase, prayer and generosity continue to be vital as ways for the church family to support the project’s mission to sow seeds in the next generation. If you haven’t had the opportunity to offer a commitment or gift, please be encouraged that any amount or level of participation is incredibly valuable. As you consider a gift, use this Prayer Guide as a resource.

Above and Beyond

The Overseers have prayed, met, and prepared over the last two years to develop a plan and budget for The Oaks Project, as the costs are beyond our regular operating budget. Prayerfully consider what God may be laying on your heart to give over and above what you’re already giving through Cypress Creek Church. If you have not yet given to God through Cypress Creek Church, consider this a great opportunity to begin your giving journey! Instead of asking how much we can give, let’s ask God how much He would have us give.