September 30, 2020

Scarlett Kiowski
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23

It’s time for a heart check. We are called to guard our heart so let’s take a moment to talk about boundaries vs. walls.


  • Boundaries are Godly and rooted in health.
  • Boundaries establish order, peace, and clear guidelines.
  • When we have good healthy boundaries we can thrive and be everything that God created us to be.
  • Boundaries protect us from taking on emotions, feelings, situations that aren’t our responsibility.


  • Walls are not from God and are rooted in hurt.
  • Walls are built out of undealt with issues, trauma, and distrust.
  • Walls cause us to withdraw, push away, avoid, and miss out.
  • Walls can keep us from relational intimacy, friendship, love, and so much more.

Ask God if you have any walls that need to be torn down… Ask God what it means to have healthy boundaries. Do what it takes to have a healthy and guarded heart. You won’t regret the freedom that it brings!