September 25, 2024

Bob Maas
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Psalms 51:10

We all need to have our hearts purified because we have gone our own way instead of God’s. It is in our human nature to live independently from God, and the only way to correct that is through the process of purification.

While I was a student in college, I worked a night job in an oil refinery. I learned many spiritual principles there. Crude oil would be brought into the refinery that cost ten cents a gallon. After it went through the refining process some of the products sold for two dollars a quart, a tremendous increase in value.

Peter tells us that we shouldn’t be surprised at the fiery trials that come our way because the Lord is refining us for His glory. Jesus called it a baptism of fire. God is actually purifying our heart, getting rid of the impurities He finds in us. The more our hearts are purified, the more dependent we are on God and we become more steadfast in our walk with him.