October 8, 2024

Johnny Young
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
Ephesians 5:17

My main question when reading this verse was, “What is the will of God?” The will of God is what He desires from us, and I feel that the Great Commission has a lot to offer this idea.

Jesus fulfilled the prophecies, proved himself to be the Messiah, died on the cross in place of us for our sins, and then showed back up to many people. Jesus gives one last charge before He ascends into Heaven: to make disciples. We are told that we are all predestined to be adopted into God’s family, which means God desires everyone to accept the gift of salvation Jesus paid for on the cross. We have the pleasure to be vessels to direct people to have the chance to accept that gift.

Now, the response from you and me should be to ask ourselves how we are living out the great commission. I get to preach to students, which seems like the perfect place to live this out, but in reality, God surrounds all of us with people in need of Jesus and His love. Who is God consistently placing in your environment and how are you planting seeds to show them the love of Jesus? As a practical tip, try to see that a door swings wide open to show grace and patience when you get annoyed with someone. When you notice someone around you is having a tough day, ask to pray over them on the spot. Let us live out the great commission by loving God and loving our neighbor as yourself.