October 7, 2024

Johnny Young
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:15-16

Last April was the first Focus event I ran for Cypress Creek Church. Focus is a large gathering of worship, service projects, games, and small group discussions for all the 6th to 12th graders. The theme for the event last year was “Set Apart,” focusing on having the student walk differently from the world and be set apart. This concept of walking in the opposite direction as everyone else is incredibly uncomfortable and difficult to do, but it is exactly how God desires us to live after we accept Him in our hearts.

In Ephesians 5, when Paul tells us to “look carefully, be wise, and make the best use of time” I was led to understand that although accepting and following Jesus is so simple, our walk in faith should not be left unchecked. When you have a relationship with a friend you have seasons of ups and downs, but a relationship with Jesus is this eternal covenant that identifies our life. That relationship with Jesus will always be perfect on His end; however, you and I know we are far from perfect. It can be easy to fall into contentment and hit a spot where there’s less hunger for scripture and worship. That season is never fun and is challenging to leave, and Paul, in these two verses, shares that if you want to grow in that relationship with Jesus, it’s going to take walking in the opposite direction of the world.

Reading the Bible takes our time, worshiping Jesus takes effort, and asking to pray over someone random is uncomfortable, and yet, Paul tells us to check ourselves today. Are we walking the hard path no matter the season of life to use our time more for the kingdom and walk in the wisdom of Jesus’ teachings rather than how to achieve the most worldly success possible? Today let us reflect on our current walk with the Lord and find one spot where we can be set apart and grow in our relationship with Jesus.