When the Lord found me and began transforming my life, I was very grateful because I was able to have a fresh start with my marriage. My love for God was primarily based on the benefits I was receiving as a follower of Jesus.
The promises seemed to be limitless and many of the Bible passages, from my carnal perspective, implied that all I had to do was believe and I could have anything I wanted.
When I experienced adversity, I figured it was just because I didn’t have enough faith and needed to study more Scripture.
As I learned more about the Lord, my perspective began to change and I discovered that the Cross was twofold. I started to see that it was not only where Jesus died for me but also the place where I died to the world.
My love for Him took on a whole new meaning because it was based on His majesty and splendor instead of what He was doing for me. God revealed that His love for me is much deeper than just providing my wants and desires for material things.
I am so grateful that He didn’t leave me to my own, self-centered ways.