With four young kids, dinnertime often holds a lot of needs and life lessons. When I serve my kids dinner or a night when we are having dessert, I watch their eyes look across the table to compare their portion size to their siblings. Sometimes, the phrase “it’s not fair” is used, or “he/she has..” The truth is they each have more than enough, but when their eyes wander, comparison leads them astray.
As adults, we are not much different. In the passage, after God speaks to Jacob through a dream, he models what it looks like to live responsively to God’s love for us. He is generous. Each of our lots looks different to steward, but the call to action is the same. Give. Give generously in response to what God has done.
God has taken care of you thus far, He will continue to “watch over you on this journey I am taking and will give food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s household.”