May 21, 2024

Joel Hernandez
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

When I read this verse, it takes me straight back to college, where I really started to live out my faith. My parents did a great job of teaching me what it looked like to follow Jesus, but going off to college, I quickly learned that I had to start taking my walk with the Lord more seriously. I especially resonated with the part of the verse that says, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” Many things that had been easy for me until that point in life suddenly became more difficult. I was walking in fear and insecurity that I hadn’t really dealt with before, and I felt powerless to do anything.

I’m so thankful that we follow a gracious and loving God. He met me right where I was, in my confusion and fear. As I began to lean on Him more, spending time in prayer and reading His Word, I started to feel His presence in a way I hadn’t before. He became my source of strength and confidence. The more I relied on Jesus, the more I saw His work in my life. My fears and insecurities began to fade, replaced by a sense of peace and purpose that could only come from Him.

Now, as I walk through whatever life throws at me, I can reflect on how Jesus has faithfully brought me through every situation and hardship. I am reminded to stay connected to the vine, trusting in His power rather than my own. My prayer is to continually abide in Him, knowing that He is the source of all that I need. May we all remain in Him, drawing from His endless love and grace, so that our lives may reflect His goodness and bear fruit for His glory.