March 29, 2022

Tyler Keese
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:24-25

After surrendering my life to Jesus, everything changed. My desires, relationships, goals, priorities, and thinking changed. When we encounter Jesus in a real way, we are brought to a place of new beginning. Our sinful nature and desires thereof have to be put to death to make room for what Jesus wants to do in our lives.

From there, we get to walk in the Spirit of Truth that makes us whole and gives us a divine purpose and empowerment. The journey that continues in community with other believers in the pursuit of God’s Word spurs us to keep in step with the Spirit. May we be devoted in this discipleship journey celebrating what God has put to death and the newness that has been raised! Take a moment and celebrate what Jesus has done in your own resurrection story.