June 24, 2024

Rhonda Patterson
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:2

Growing up in a primarily middle-class area, we didn’t have much, but we also didn’t want much. When I look back on my parents’ generation, I see that they were very self-sufficient. Born towards the end of the Great Depression, they learned early to work hard and provide for themselves. This is an outstanding quality. I do believe though, that their background created a “do it yourself” mentality. It was apparent in virtually all adult figures in my childhood, including the church. Sure, my parents helped neighbors out now and then, but carrying other’s burdens was not regularly and intentionally modeled to the children.

Watching so many at Cypress Creek Church dive right in to meet needs is wonderful and biblical. While I admit that serving others didn’t come naturally to me, I’m learning from God and the church the beauty of it. When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we find opportunities to help carry burdens daily…some small, some large. Let’s continually ask the Lord to show us those in need around us, and let’s be willing to humbly ask when we find ourselves heavy-laden.