June 24, 2020

Scarlett Kiowski
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
Psalm 20:7

I grew up with parents that were teachers. Our family routine was predictable…they worked from 7-4 and we ate dinner at 4:30 everyday. Then, I married Ben Kiowski! Right before our 3rd daughter was born we started our own business, since then we have started another business. This rocked my world! I don’t like taking risk. Remember, I ate dinner at 4:30 everyday?! God taught me through starting not one but two companies to TRUST him. More specifically, to trust him with our finances. Things got hard, tight, messy, and unpredictable, but one thing remained the same: Jesus was trustworthy. ALWAYS! Now, when finances get sticky or something unexpected happens, I can say with full confidence, “God’s got this”, because He has proven time and time again He can be trusted. By the way, trusting Jesus isn’t a risk but an opportunity!