June 20, 2024

Vic King
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage one another.
Hebrews 10:24-25

Paraklete (no, not the bird) is one of the names or descriptions of the Holy Spirit. The parakletos is one who calls someone to their side to comfort or counsel them. Interestingly the Hebrew writer uses this in its verb form for what you and I need to be doing for one another. Encourage one another. Call your fellow Christ follower to your side to give comfort and/or counsel. If you find yourself in a difficult, maybe painful place, wouldn’t you love for some one to call you to their side and say, “Listen, God’s Spirit has you. I am here for you. Under Jesus’ oversight I will advocate for you.”

This challenge given by the mysterious person God guided to write to the Hebrews was no small appeal to these early persecuted believers. Some were put in prison. Some had their property taken from them…and “joyfully” accepted the confiscation. They stood side by side through the trauma. (read Hebrews 10: 32-39) We cannot take away the problems but we each have the amazing opportunity to speak the life of God’s promises into each other’s pain.