June 18, 2024

Vic King
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”
Hebrews 10:24

Good deeds = work.

You know this Greek word: ergon…as in ergonomics- the study of people at work.
The Hebrew writer said in the next chapter (11:6) that it is not possible to please God unless you believe in him…you have faith. But, according to Jesus’ little brother, work (doing good stuff) is what authenticates our faith. Faith absent doing good is a corpse. Add in the deeds and it comes alive! (James 2:14ff)

Full disclosure: There is a gravitational pull trying to draw me to the sideline toward the bench. It’s a common malady of people at retirement age. It is an “I made my contribution; I think I’ll sit and rest now” attitude. God’s mission is still in play. There is all manner of good yet to be done.

Thought question: If your “good deeds” dry up, will your faith also whither?

I wonder if you would consider doing me a favor if you see me napping on the sideline of God’s mission…cozying up for too long with my big fat chair in the tv room. Strap on your spurs and stop by.