For most of my life I have viewed my emotions as a part of who I am. By not separating them from my identity with the Lord, I didn’t see them for what they really are; delicate instruments to guide me and keep me on the straight and narrow path in communion with Him.
Just as my physical senses are able to guide me in the natural realm, my emotions instruct and help me navigate through the dangerous storms that come my way. Negative emotions are warning signs that I am drifting away from the course God has set for me.
In the same way that humility and meekness are attitudes that accompany God’s grace, the peace and joy I experience when I am with Him give me strength to overcome the struggles and adversities which He allows so I can develop into the person He wants me to be.
I pray for a better understanding of the Lord and His ways so that I can see who I really am in Christ.