July 22, 2021

Rhonda Patterson
“Then Peter remembered the words Jesus had spoken to him...and he broke down and wept.”
Mark 14:72
“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe.”
Psalm 107:2

We can’t spend time this week in Mark 14 without talking about Peter. In this chapter, Jesus foretells Peter’s denial of him. Peter is so confident that he’d never do that, but a few passages later, he does exactly as Jesus said he would – denying even knowing him 3 times before the rooster crows twice. Even Peter, who’d followed Jesus with such zeal, allowed fear to drive him to defeat. What I love about Peter’s utter failure is that it was in no way the end of his story. As we think about our worst moments, our departures from God…I’m so thankful that it’s not the end of my story or yours. We need to remember that. God takes our broken pieces, just like he did for Peter, and redeems them in the most beautiful ways. Let’s invite him to continue to do just that. It’s amazing what God can do with broken vessels.