July 19, 2023

Tyler Keese
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Luke 12:25-26

Worry or anxiety is one of the greatest things that people do every day. Many people feel that they worry only because they do not have enough money. Worry has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of wealth a person has. The person with little to no money is worried about how their needs will be met. Other people are not worried about finances, but are worried about appearances. Others will worry about their jobs. Believers often worry if they are doing good enough for God to love them. Worry is everywhere.

Jesus asked if you could add a single hour to your life by worrying. The answer to that question is no.

If worrying about life cannot add to your life, why worry? Everything else is small compared to adding an hour to your life. Jesus called adding the hour to your life a very small thing. In man’s eyes, this is a very large thing.

Today, may we trust God for everything. Do not worry. Do not be filled with anxiety. Lean on God. Wait for His answer and His provision. It saves us a lot of wasted time and problems. I pray today that you will trust God for your needs; that you will follow God’s path for your life; that you will keep from all worry and fear; that God will open the doors of blessings to provide for your needs; and that you will give God all the glory and honor for His provision.