July 12, 2024

Annie Ward
"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification."
Romans 14:19

As we have studied this week, the context of this verse highlights the importance of accepting differences among believers, especially in matters of personal conviction. Paul is calling us to prioritize unity and peace over disputable or debatable matters. When we focus on fostering peace, we create an environment where acceptance and mutual growth can flourish. This unity reflects Christ’s love and brings glory to God.

So how do we “make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification”? Dr. Carl summarized this idea so beautifully this past Sunday. He challenged us to remember six things. The final one was to remember the desired result. This is our desired result: peace and mutual edification. Mutual edification is the process of building up one another in faith, encouraging spiritual growth, and strengthening the body of Christ. It involves being supportive and helping each other mature in our walk with God. Mutual edification is a two-way street where everyone involved benefits and grows together. By engaging in mutual edification, we help create a community rooted in love, acceptance, and unity, reflecting the love of Christ.