January 23, 2024

Joel Hernandez
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

In John 10:10, Jesus contrasts the thief’s destructive intentions with His mission to bring abundant life. The adversary seeks to steal joy, kill hope, and ultimately destroy our connection with God. However, Jesus brings hope, declaring, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This promise is not about just material abundance; it encompasses spiritual richness, emotional wholeness, and a deep connection with God.

Understanding abundant life requires recognizing Jesus as the Good Shepherd who guides, protects, and nourishes. Surrendering to His leadership leads to transformation, where brokenness is healed, emptiness is filled, and purpose is discovered. Abundant life involves trusting Him with our past, present, and future, allowing His love to permeate our hearts and His Word to guide our steps. Walking in obedience to His teachings, we embrace the fullness of life found only in Christ. John 10:10 challenges us to reflect on how we live, urging us to follow the Good Shepherd into a life of purpose, joy, and eternal significance.