Alcoholics Anonymous and other addiction groups have proven successful over decades of existence because of one main principle: the attendees vulnerably confess their weaknesses, brokenness, and shortcomings. They capitalize on the principle described in the above bible passage – they live by the truth, they come into the light, and they allow what they have done to be exposed to God and others.
Not everyone is comfortable with this level of authentic confession. In fact, it is more common for us to want to hide our transgressions and faults. Social media is a common place many people go to highlight what is great in their lives and hide what is not. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of God’s plan. He desires that we be humble with our strengths and open with our weaknesses.
Are you willing to invite the light of God into your life? Can you grow to love the light of his truth in the darkest places of your life? What do you need to confess to him and a trusted person in your life? Bring that weakness or shortcoming into the light and begin to experience the freedom of God’s forgiveness and healing.