Self-awareness is so hard to master in a world with ample opportunities nowadays to hide from reality, mask imperfections, and curate only our best and brightest moments to share with the world. My ego runs rampant without gracious friends, mentors, and my Community Group speaking into my life, revealing blind spots and areas of weakness I choose to avoid or pretend don’t exist. I’ve seen this especially needed when it comes to friend or family relationships where things can be so fluid, so tricky, and so consequential if I let my pride and judgmental attitude get the best of me. My flesh wants to be right all the time, and without God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and the community around me, my pride would leave out room for much-needed repentance, humility, and correction.
Lord, humble me and grow my sense of self-awareness. May I hunger and thirst for righteousness, not just to always be right. Please help me seek to satisfy Your desires, not my own.