February 8, 2022

Jose Abaroa
"2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:2-3

When I think about the people in my life that build me up, they tend to exhibit most, if not all of these, attitudes consistently. Humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with love, and keeping a bond of peace. This is the culture that Jesus lived out. It’s awe-inspiring how Jesus has exhibited each of these five attributes in my life. Humility to serve first instead of needing to be served. Gentleness as His kindness has led me to repentance. He took the weight of all my sins when he bore them on the cross and has bonded me to His peace through His death and resurrection.

This is the type of culture that I desire to have in my home and the attitude I want to exhibit to those around me. These Christlike attitudes have the ability to dispel tension in our relationships and bring about hope where there is despair and reconciliation where there is division and brokenness. May we be people who follow Jesus and are transformed to be more like him as we grow in our ability to love others the way God has loved us.

Which of these five attributes do you need to receive from God today? Which attribute could you put into practice in a relationship with someone today?