February 21, 2024

Joel Hernandez
"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."
Titus 3:5-7

When was the last time you messed up or made a mistake on any scale? If you are anything like me, it probably wasn’t that long ago.

At different points in my life, I have sought God’s approval and tried to do enough good things to feel accepted by Him. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the comfort and peace in knowing that God has loved and saved us, regardless of anything we bring to the table. Even the “good” things, like our obedience to Him and spiritual disciplines, don’t earn us His mercy: it is freely given to us when we choose to follow Him. The Holy Spirit empowers us to let go of our old habits and earthly desires to what God calls us to and has for us. Even so, Jesus offers forgiveness and grace when we miss the mark in our pursuit of Him.

This is more than a theological truth or lofty concept. Our daily reality is that we can experience His unconditional love and peace through the Holy Spirit given to us when we first believed. I’m so grateful for God’s gentle reminders that He loves me unconditionally and that I have received the free gift of salvation through faith in Him. Be encouraged that it isn’t our mistakes or achievements that determine our standing with God: it’s Christ’s love and mercy that He freely gives that saves and gives us a living hope.