The consequences couldn’t be more drastic between those living a self-seeking lifestyle and those focused on caring for others. It’s something refreshing when I’m around someone who humbly considers me and my needs above theirs. Something different. Something contagious, even.
I know how easily my flesh can creep in, however, when I begin to replace myself with God and His role of provider. I start to feel insecure and selfish. Even in seemingly small ways, I can so quickly adopt a “scarcity mentality”…thinking about all that I don’t have or might lose compared to contentment and gratitude for the Lord’s bountiful provision. It might seem cheesy but even just waking up and listing off things I’m thankful for has gone a long way in my morning time with God. It immediately puts me in a place of acknowledgment that it’s God who provides for my every need, and it’s purely out of His selflessness that I’m even here to begin with.
Lord, please grow my appreciation for all that You’ve given me, and help me as I seek to put others before my selfish desires, just as You modeled in Your love for me.